Missions at Gilbert Bible Church
We as a church desire to live out the Gospel Mission in Gilbert and to the ends of the earth. We long to see God raise up faithful servants who will carry the Gospel to their campuses, cul-de-sacs, and cubicles for the glory of God. And we long to see God raise up servants from among us who will go to places where the glory of God is not acknowledged, where the Gospel of Jesus Christ is not known, and where the church does not exist, so that we can be a faithful part of what God is doing through the Gospel to reconcile to Himself people from every tongue, tribe, nation, and people.
Missions Partners

FinisTerre is a missionary-sending ministry that loves the priority of the local church in the Great Commission. They help local churches send their missionaries to plant churches at the ends of the earth–specifically, in Papua New Guinea.

The Twombly Family
The Twombly Family plans to work in the city of Madang, Papua New Guinea. Bryan will be leading Team Madang of Finisterre. Their aim is to see God glorified among the people of Madang, Papua New Guinea with the desire to see a strong, faithful church established in the city.